Gradle sets incorrect (unexpected?) classpath on running task

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Gradle sets incorrect (unexpected?) classpath on running task

I have my project structured in this way:

| +-java
| | +-package/java files go here
| +-resources
| +-config
| +-files go here
| +-package/java files go here
| +-files go here
+-files go here

When this project is built, it produces the following output structure:

| +-classes
| | +-package/classes in here
| +-resources
| +-config
| +-files in here
| +-package/classes in here
| +-files in here
+-files in here

This is all as expected. I have a task defined to run cucumber tests, which looks like this:

task runCucumber() {
doLast {
javaexec {
main = "cucumber.api.cli.Main"
args += ['--plugin', 'pretty', '--plugin', 'html:out/reports/cucumber/', '--plugin', 'json:out/reports/cucumber/report.json',
'--glue', 'com.example.mypackage.cucumber', 'classpath:features'
, '--tags', 'not @ignore']
systemProperties['http.keepAlive'] = 'false'
systemProperties['http.maxRedirects'] = '20'
systemProperties['env'] = System.getProperty("env")
systemProperties['envType'] = System.getProperty("envType")
classpath = configurations.cucumber + configurations.compile + configurations.testCompile + sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath + sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath

When I execute this task, my classes are not found and neither are features. Clearly, this is due to classpath not being set correctly. If I run the task with --info, I can see that the classpath is set using the parameter I indicated, however instead of out directories, it contains build directories. I expected the classpath to be:




<all dependencies>:/projectRoot/out/production/classses:/projectRoot/out/production/resources:/projectRoot/out/test/classes:/projectRoot/out/test/resources

Yet, the classpath contains the following:

<all dependencies>:/projectRoot/build/classes/java/main:/projectRoot/build/classes/java/test:

Interestingly, directory build is not produced at all under the project root. How can I set the classpath so that classes and resources can be found?


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