convert decimal to octal and hex in C with putchar() and >>
What details is it you need help with? How many bits there are to represent an octal digit? How to make a lookup table for more than two entries? How to use printf with format specifiers to influence the representation?
– Yunnosch
4 mins ago
Why do you want to do it this way instead of using printf with specifiers
– Yunnosch
1 min ago
convert decimal to octal and hex in C with putchar() and >>
In the example, I have this following code that can convert a decimal to binary.
void show_bin(unsigned short int byte)
for (int shift=15; shift>=0; --shift) {
putchar((byte>>shift)&1 ? '1' : '0');
How can I follow this format and write code for converting decimals to octal and hex?
For example, I would like to convert 65066
to 0177052
and 0XFE2A
What details is it you need help with? How many bits there are to represent an octal digit? How to make a lookup table for more than two entries? How to use printf with format specifiers to influence the representation?
– Yunnosch
4 mins ago
Why do you want to do it this way instead of using printf with specifiers
and x
? If this is a homework assignment (the usual reason for doing things in an unnecessarily complicated way), then pleas say so and indicate whether you would appreciate help according to the compromise described here:…– Yunnosch
1 min ago
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is define as divide by 2...– Stargateur
4 mins ago