Mock imports to test function logic

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Mock imports to test function logic

Lets say I have the following file.

This file imports promiseFunction from a library and I'd like to test the doSomething() function.



In particular, assert the states when the promise resolves or fails

// file: MyComponent.js

import promiseFunction from 'somewhere';

class MyClass extends Component {

doSomething = () => {

.then((data) => {

this.setState({...this.state, name:});

}.catch(() => {

this.setState({...this.state, error: 'error'});



How do I mock the promiseFunction thats being imported. Or really just any function that's being imported.


// file: MyClass.spec.js
it('sets error in state when doSomething() is rejected', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<MyClass />);

// How do I mock promiseFunction here?


1 Answer

You can use spyOn in combination with mockResolvedValue and mockRejectedValue

Here is a simple example that stubs the default export of lib.js:

// ---- lib.js ----
const libFunc = () => {
return Promise.resolve(1);
export default libFunc;

// ---- app.js ----
import libFunc from './lib';

const useLibFunc = () => {
return libFunc();
export default useLibFunc;

// ---- app.test.js ----
import useLibFunc from './app';
// import * so we can mock the 'default' export
import * as lib from './lib';

describe('useLibFunc', () => {
it('should normally resolve to 1', () => {
return useLibFunc().then((result) => {
it('should resolve to 2 when lib is stubbed', () => {
// use 'default' to mock the default export
const stub = jest.spyOn(lib, 'default').mockResolvedValue(2);
return useLibFunc().then((result) => {
it('should fail when lib is stubbed to reject', () => {
// use 'default' to mock the default export
const stub = jest.spyOn(lib, 'default')
.mockRejectedValue(new Error('something bad happened'));
return useLibFunc().catch((error) => {
expect(error.message).toBe('something bad happened');

In your case you would need to do something like this:

// ---- MyComponent.js ----
import promiseFunction from 'somewhere';

class MyClass extends Component {
doSomething = () => {
// return the promise so we can use it in the test
return promiseFunction()
.then((data) => {
this.setState({...this.state, name:});
}.catch(() => {
this.setState({...this.state, error: 'error'});

// ---- MyClass.spec.js ----
import * as somewhere from 'somewhere';

it('sets error in state when doSomething() is rejected', () => {
// use 'default' to mock the default export
const stub = jest.spyOn(somewhere, 'promiseFunction')
.mockRejectedValue(new Error('something bad happened'));
const wrapper = shallow(<MyClass />);
// return the promise so the test waits for it to resolve
return wrapper.instance().doSomething().then(() => {

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