Object dimension measurement
Object dimension measurement
The following image is of a coin (for reference) and a pill. I need to measure the pill's dimensions. The objects are back-illuminated.
I followed pyimagesearch.com tutorial for object height and width measurement.
The coin has a diameter of 24.97 mm, and the actual dimensions of the pill are 9.43 mm x 19.33 mm. I am getting results with some error ranging from 0.5 mm to 2 mm. As mentioned on the website this is because of distortion and it is to be corrected.
Can someone help me in calibrating the camera to remove the distortion effect so that I can measure correct dimensions in mm?
I have also tried camera calibration but that is also not working.
@CrisLuengo thanks a lot for responding but I have put coin on the left of the pill of known size 25mm
Jul 24 at 7:21
Ah, OK. Please include that information into your post, as well as a description (preferabele with code) for exactly what you did. What kind of imaging did you use to get that picture (it doesn’t look like a photograph), or is this the result of some preprocessing? Is the coin 25.00 mm or is 25 mm? (that is, how precise is that measurement?)
– Cris Luengo
Jul 24 at 13:11
@CrisLuengo this photograph is taken by keeping bottom light on, no image processing is done on this and the coin dimention is 24.97 mm but I used 25 mm and the code I used is exactly same as given in the link provided in the question (pyimagesearch.com). And Thank you for looking into this problem
5 hours ago
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– Cris Luengo
24 secs ago
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For camera calibration you need to add an object of known size, or a set of fiducial markers at known distance from each other. There is no way we can tell you how to calibrate your camera with the information you have given here.
– Cris Luengo
Jul 23 at 19:24