Spring Boot include ID field in json

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Spring Boot include ID field in json

Propably it's very simple but everything what I found is related to Spring Data Rest. I'm using "spring-boot-starter-web" and I can't found any solution...

Here is my entity clas:

@Table(name = "buses")
class Bus(
private val sideNumber: Int,
var longitude: Double,
var latitude: Double

I tried to annotate sideNumber(Id) property with @JsonInclude and @Jsonproperty but with no luck. In my json reponse I only get longitude and latitude...

My controller looks like that.

class BusController {

private lateinit var busRepository: BusRepository

fun getAllBuses(): List<Bus> {
return busRepository.findAll()

fun createBus(@Valid @RequestBody bus: Bus): Bus {
return busRepository.save(bus)

fun getBusById(@PathVariable(value = "sideNumber") sideNumber: Long): Bus {
return busRepository.findById(sideNumber)
.orElseThrow { ResourceNotFoundException("Bus", "sideNumber", sideNumber) }

fun updateBus(@PathVariable(value = "sideNumber") sideNumber: Long,
@Valid @RequestBody newBus: Bus): Bus {

val bus = busRepository.findById(sideNumber)
.orElseThrow { ResourceNotFoundException("Bus", "sideNumber", sideNumber) }

bus.latitude = newBus.latitude
bus.longitude = newBus.longitude

return busRepository.save(bus)

fun deleteBus(@PathVariable(value = "sideNumber") sideNumber: Long): ResponseEntity<*> {
val bus = busRepository.findById(sideNumber)
.orElseThrow { ResourceNotFoundException("Bus", "sideNumber", sideNumber) }


return ResponseEntity.ok().build<Any>()

It's nothing complicated though. What I have to do to include this sideNumber(id) propety in json response?? Maybe there is some other good practice to achieve that?

Thanks for any help!

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