Read all words from a given text file and print a count for each
Read all words from a given text file and print a count for each
Test.txt contains the following sentence(How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could
chuck wood.)
This program is supposed to read all words from a given text file (until eof)
and print out a count for each word. The word should be
processed case-insensitive (all capitals), punctuation should be
removed and the output should be sorted by
However I've come to a simple problem where it's counting lines and not the words, help a brother out.
Make a translation table for getting rid of non-word characters
dropChars = "!@#$%ˆ& ()_+-={}|\:;"’<>,.?/1234567890"
dropDict = dict([(c, '') for c in dropChars])
dropTable = str.maketrans(dropDict)
Read a file and build the table.
f = open("Test.txt")
lineNum = 0
table = {} # dictionary: words -> set of line numbers
for line in f:
for line in testList :
lineNum += 1
words = line.upper().translate(dropTable).split()
for word in words:
if word in table:
table[word] = {lineNum}
Print the table
for word in sorted(table.keys()):
print(word, end = ": ")
for lineNum in sorted(table[word]):
print(lineNum, end = " ")
I don't see how a set could be used to the frequency of a word. Could you demonstrate?
– NationzGG
28 mins ago
2 Answers
f = open('Test.txt')
for word in
cnt +=1
print cnt
This might help you brother...although i am also a newbie in python.
This code:
from collections import Counter
data = open( 'Test1.txt' ).read() # read the file
data = ''.join( [i.upper() if i.isalpha() else ' ' for i in data] ) # remove the punctuation
c = Counter( data.split() ) # count the words
[('A', 2), ('CHUCK', 2), ('WOODCHUCK', 2), ('WOOD', 2), ('WOULD', 1), ('COULD', 1), ('HOW', 1), ('MUCH', 1), ('IF', 1)]
I wonder if the code is too short? =)
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Why don't you just split on the space and create a set ?
– Hearner
33 mins ago