GET in JAX-RS with multiple parameters separated by &

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GET in JAX-RS with multiple parameters separated by &

I am developing a JAX-RS backend and I would like to develop a service for GET requests like:


where the number of id is variable.

I would like some kind of @GET and @PathParam annotation to extract the List of ids


So far my code looks like this:

public Response getCompleteDoc(@QueryParam("id") int id) {

return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();


Obviously as it is it reads only the first id.

If you want multiple int values, use int. That seems fairly obvious, right?
– Andreas
1 hour ago



Or List<Integer>.
– shmosel
1 hour ago


Or if you strictly follow the javadoc of QueryParam, use List<Integer>, since the javadoc doesn't mention support for arrays, though arrays may work correctly depending on implementation, e.g. I believe Spring supports arrays.
– Andreas
1 hour ago



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