How to specialize mapM for IO in Haskell

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How to specialize mapM for IO in Haskell

Say I have a task that represents some computation from k to v where some inputs have to be fetched externally.



newtype Task k v = Task { run ∷ ∀ f. Monad f ⇒ (k → f v) → f v }

For some tasks mapM will be used, e.g. to fetch multiple keys. I want to specialize mapM for some monads. Specifically for the IO monad I want to use Control.Concurrent.Async.mapConcurrently to perform actions concurrently.





My first instinct is to introduce a wrapper type

newtype AsyncIO a = AsyncIO { io :: IO a }

and then introduce

instance Monad AsyncIO

However this doesn't work because in the current GHC implementation mapM is defined in term of traverse, which is in Traversable.




Is there an elegant solution for this?

I don't quite understand what you mean by "for some tasks mapM will be used". Could you show an example of such a Task?
– Asad Saeeduddin
25 mins ago



1 Answer

Have run take mapM or mapConcurrently as an additional argument, or for possibly less passing as an implicit parameter, though I'm not sure whether the latter will clash with f's quantification.



Can you post some code for the signature?
– Chris
1 min ago

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