How to Insert a node into alternating linked list after the current node?

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How to Insert a node into alternating linked list after the current node?

I am writing a linked list function that alternates the nodes odd/even.For example if the input was 6->7->5->3->6->2->9->1 it would output 6->7->6->5->2->3->5->9->1. The issue I am having is when I run my code I get 6->6->7->2->5->3->5->9->1.I know the issue stems from the node being inserted before the 7. When it should be inserted after the 7. However, I can't seem to figure out how this is done. How would I go about inserting it after the 7?




Here is a copy of my function. I am pretty for sure the issue is in the final if loop.

void InterleaveOddsAndEvensInOrigOrder(Node*& headPtr)
if(headPtr ==0 || headPtr->link == 0)
cout << "list is empty" << endl;
Node* cur = headPtr;
Node* post = 0;
Node* postPred = 0;
Node* pred = 0;

while(cur != 0 && cur->link !=0)
if(cur->data % 2 == 0)
if(cur->link->data % 2 ==0)
post = cur;
postPred =0;
while(post !=0 && post->data % 2 == 0)
postPred = post;
post = post->link;
if(cur->link->data % 2 !=0)
post = cur;
postPred =0;
while(post !=0 && post->data % 2 !=0)
postPred= post;
post = post->link;
if(post !=0)
if(pred== 0)
postPred->link =post->link;
post->link = cur;
postPred->link =post->link; // The issue is somewhere in here
pred->link =post; //
post->link =cur; //
pred = cur;
cur = cur->link;

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