Have a IDE Scaling issue in VS2017 Winforms Application

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Have a IDE Scaling issue in VS2017 Winforms Application

I've googled this, and wasn't able to find exactly what I needed. So I will present it here and see if there is quick setting I can change that solves this issue.

My issue is one of Scaling, but not in the run-time sense as you (and Google) would suspect. Rather it's in the VS2017 designer itself, in that the point location settings for controls on a form wont stay consistent from one resolution to another. Here is what I mean:

Workstation @ work is Windows 10 (v1709), on dual 1920 x 1080 monitors.

Workstation @ home is Windows 10 (v1709), on triple 4k monitors (dual GTX-1080's in SLI).

Same project (working on it at work and home).

When I open the designer @ home, naturally everything is smaller.. but some control items are 'out of place' point wise. So I adjust them and continue on. When I get to work, I have to adjust those same controls yet again.

Now I am already guessing (and I haven't tested this yet) that this is due to the fact that I have the Scale, in the Display settings on my home workstation, set to 125% (because everything is VERY tiny on a 4K monitor if set to 100%). But I thought the IDE in VS2017 would compensate accordingly, without adjusting the actual point values for control locations...

Or is there another setting I am missing, in VS2017 itself, that will allow the forms to keep consistency between environment resolutions?

UPDATE 07/25/2018: I set the Scaling down to 100% and checked to see if that made a difference. It did not! So I set the resolution, of my main display, to 1920 x 1080. That had no affect either. I am totally at a loss here, as I have never experienced anything like this before. Controls are out of place, and the fonts are larger than what is displayed on my workstation at work. I didn't make any corrections this time, so everything will look as it should when I get back to work.

However, I am thinking that this may entirely be a display issue, as Visual Studio is not seeing a change (i.e. does not prompt to SAVE) in any of the forms when I close the project.

Monitor DPI difference (stretching.. need rope here)?

1 Answer

Well, I actually found the answer to this dilemma on here, in this posting.

It essentially states what I suspected. It's a DPI issue. The posting mentions a work-around, but it's not a complete solution as there are trade-offs.

So I guess I will have to get an actual 1920 x 1080 monitor in order to work on Winforms applications at home.

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