exact coordinates of gl_PointCoord?

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exact coordinates of gl_PointCoord?

In a vertex i give pointSize a value bigger than 1. Say 15.
In the fragment i would like choose a point inside that 15x15 square :

vec2 sprite = gl_PointCoord;
if (sprite.s == (9. )/15.0 ) discard ;
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

But that does not work when Size is not a power of 2.

(if size is 16, so (sprite.s == a/16.) where a is in 1..16 : Perfect !)

is a way to achieve my purpose where size is not of power of 2 ?

edit : i know the solution with a texture of size : PointSize * PointSize

gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, gl_PointCoord);

but that not fit for dynamic change

edit 26 july :

first I do not understand why it is easier to read in a float texture using webgl2 rather than webgl. For my part I make an ext = gl.getExtension ("OES_texture_float"); and the gl.readpixel uses the same syntax.

Then, it is certain that I did not understand everything but I tried the solution s = 0.25 and s = 0.75 for a correctly centered 2x2 pixel, and that does not seem to work.
On the other hand, the values: 0.5 and 1.0 give me a correct display (see fiddle 1)

(fiddle 1) https://jsfiddle.net/3u26rpf0/274/

In fact, to accurately display any size vertex (say SIZE) I use the following formula:

float size = 13.0;
float nby = floor ((size) /2.0);
float nbx = floor ((size-1.0) /2.0);
// <nby> pixels CENTER <nbx> pixels
// if size is odd nbx == nby
// if size is even nbx == nby +1

vec2 off = 2. * vec2 (nbx, nby) / canvasSize;
vec2 p = -1. + (2. * (a_position.xy * size) + 1.) / canvasSize + off;

gl_Position vec4 = (p, 0.0,1.0);
gl_PointSize = size;


in this last fiddle, you can change the size in the vertex, and the display gives precise stacks. However, the strange phenomenon: a continuous vertical bar corresponds well to the value 0.5, (gl_pointCoord.x == 0.5 the middle of the vertex, but the corresponding horizontal bar is discontinuous (gl_PointCoord.y == 0.5)

edit 29 july:

i find the formula :

if pointsize is odd :

pointCoord.s is : (n+0.5)/pointsize where n =0..pointsize-1 .

if pointsize is even :

pointCoord. is : n/pointsize where n=1..pointsize .

1 Answer

Checking for exact values with floating point numbers is not generally a good idea. Check for range

sprite.s > ??? && sprite.s < ???

Or better yet consider using a mask texture or something more flexible than a hard coded if statement.

Otherwise in WebGL pixels are referred to by their centers. So, if you draw a 2x2 point on pixel boundary then these should be the .s values for gl_PointCoord.



| .25 | .75 |
| | |
| .25 | .75 |
| | |

If you draw it off a pixel boundary then it depends

|| || || ||
|| +------+------+ ||
|| | | | ||
++==| | |===++
|| | | | ||
|| +------+------+ ||
|| | | | ||
++==| | |===++
|| | | | ||
|| +------+------+ ||
|| || || ||

It will still only draw 4 pixels (the 4 that are closest to where the point lies) but it will choose different gl_PointCoords as though it could draw on fractional pixels. If we offset gl_Position so our point is over by .25 pixels it still draws the exact same 4 pixels as when pixel aligned since an offset of .25 is not enough move it from drawing the same 4 pixels we can guess it's going to offset gl_PointCoord by -.25 pixels (in our case that's for a 2x2 point that's an offset of .125 so (.25 - -.125) = .125 and (.75 - .125) = .675.



We can test what WebGL is using by writing them into a floating point texture using WebGL2 (since it's easier to read the float pixels back in WebGL2)

function main() {
const gl = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("webgl2");
if (!gl) {
return alert("need WebGL2");
const ext = gl.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_float");
if (!ext) {
return alert("need EXT_color_buffer_float");

const vs = `
uniform vec4 position;
void main() {
gl_PointSize = 2.0;
gl_Position = position;

const fs = `
precision mediump float;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(gl_PointCoord.xy, 0, 1);

const programInfo = twgl.createProgramInfo(gl, [vs, fs]);
const width = 2;
const height = 2;

// creates a 2x2 float texture and attaches it to a framebuffer
const fbi = twgl.createFramebufferInfo(gl, [
{ internalFormat: gl.RGBA32F, minMag: gl.NEAREST, },
], width, height);

// binds the framebuffer and set the viewport
twgl.bindFramebufferInfo(gl, fbi);


test([0, 0, 0, 1]);
test([.25, .25, 0, 1]);

function test(position) {
twgl.setUniforms(programInfo, {position});
gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS, 0, 1);

const pixels = new Float32Array(width * height * 4);
gl.readPixels(0, 0, 2, 2, gl.RGBA, gl.FLOAT, pixels);

console.log('gl_PointCoord.s at position:', position.join(', '));
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
const s = ;
for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
s.push(pixels[(y * height + x) * 4]);
console.log(`y${y}:`, s.join(', '));

<script src="https://twgljs.org/dist/4.x/twgl.min.js"></script>

The formula for what gl_PointCoord will be is in the spec section 3.3


gl_PointCoord formula

so following that a point drawn .25 pixels off of a 0 pixel boundary for a 2 pixel width point

drawing a 2x2 at .25,.25 (slightly off center)
// first pixel

// this value is constant for all pixels. It is the unmodified
// **WINDOW** coordinate of the **vertex** (not the pixel)
xw = 1.25

// this is the integer pixel coordinate
xf = 0

// gl_PointSize
size = 2

s = 1 / 2 + (xf + 1 / 2 - xw) / size
s = .5 + (0 + .5 - 1.25) / 2
s = .5 + (-.75) / 2
s = .5 + (-.375)
s = .125

which is the value I get from running the sample above.

ok thanks. I gave an answer in an edit (how else to post a long answer?)
– Philippe Oceangermanique
2 days ago

"Checking for exact values with floating point numbers is not generally a good idea". You are right !
– Philippe Oceangermanique
18 hours ago

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