Cache a 3rd party API call in React

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Cache a 3rd party API call in React

I'm integrating a video component into my page that is inserted and removed from the DOM based off the state of its parent. Whenever the video component is mounted it uses a prop video-id to call the 3rd party API of the video hosting service I'm using, Brightcove, which gives back a blob src for the video and sets up the video player. My component looks something like this:




componentDidMount() {
bc(this.videoRef.current); // brightcove initialization script
const player = videojs(this.videoRef.current);

render() {
return (
data-video-id={this.props.videoId} >

An example of how brightcove videos are loaded is here:

My problem is that each time this component gets unmounted and mounted again it has to call the API to setup the the video all over again. I can't only cache the src it returns because the API does more than just fetch the src for the video (see codepen example).



Does anyone know if there's anyway I can cache an entire DOM element even after its been unmounted or if there's some other way I can avoid calling the API each time?

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