How to transform an existing column in foreign key using Laravel Migrations

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How to transform an existing column in foreign key using Laravel Migrations

i'm having trouble trying to change a column type in laravel to fits it as a compatible column to be a foreign key referencing another table id fields.

Actualy i have a a schema like this:

Schema::create('person_organization', function(Blueprint $table){


and i want to change the field organization_id to an unsigned type, wich will make it able to be a foreign key referencing the id field in the organizations table.




NOTE: Just changing the field type in the creation of the table is not an available option, because the system is running in production mode.

So we need to make a new migration to do these changes.

NOTE 2: i tried the method change as described in laravel docs, but it stucks in a query error, as following:


IlluminateDatabaseQueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') on delete cascade' at line 1 (SQL: alter table `person_organization` add constraint `person_organization_person_id_foreign` foreign key (`person_id`) references `persons` () on delete cascade)

"i tried the method change as described in laravel docs, but it stucks in a query error." what error?
– lagbox
Jul 17 at 20:06

@lagbox post the query error
– Alexandre Thebaldi
Jul 17 at 20:13

@iagbox i have updated the question with the query error.
– Thauan C Santos
Jul 17 at 20:16

can you post the code you tried?
– Salman Zafar
Jul 17 at 20:20

try this: Schema::table('persons', function(Blueprint $table) { $table->integer('organization_id')->unsigned()->index()->change(); $table->foreign('organization_id')->references('id')->on('organizations')->onDelete('cascade'); });
– Salman Zafar
Jul 17 at 20:29

3 Answers

Considering you have already installed doctrine/dbal package in your application
Now create migration php artisan make:migration your_migration_name and then in migration insert the below code.

php artisan make:migration your_migration_name

Schema::table('persons', function(Blueprint $table) {

now run command php artisan migrate and now your are done.
Happy coding...

php artisan migrate

From Laravel 5.6 docs:

Before modifying a column, be sure to add the doctrine/dbal dependency to your composer.json file.

composer require doctrine/dbal

Then create the migration:

php artisan make:migration add_organization_foreign_to_persons_table --table=persons


Schema::table('persons', function (Blueprint $table) {

i just have docrtine/dbal in installed. i have updated the question showing the error. @Alexandre Thebaldi
– Thauan C Santos
Jul 17 at 20:15



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