Creating an Auto-Update with Pastebin

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Creating an Auto-Update with Pastebin

I'm currently trying to build my own Auto-Update with Pastebin.
I want to define if my created paste contain "https" and if yes then the code should download the link in the paste and replace the old version with new one. I already looked online for this solution but it seems to be that there is no solution or i just miss it.

Here is my code that i created but it gives me an exception error, access denied etc...

private async void download()
WebClient update = new WebClient();
string selectedpath = Path.Combine(textBox1.Text);
string str = update.DownloadString("");
update.DownloadFile(str, selectedpath);

private async void bunifuFlatButton13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage5;
await Task.Delay(6000);

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