How to get Phone number in certain format and separate them by comma - Javascript

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How to get Phone number in certain format and separate them by comma - Javascript

I want to get list of phone numbers in a string.
Example string :

var str = "This my phone number 0123456780, my turn no is 42, my second phone number is 01234567890";

var no = parseInt(str.replace(/[^0-9]/g,''));

So, expected result I want like below, if multiple phone number existing, will be separated by comma:

"60123456780, 601234567890".

"60123456780, 601234567890"


how can you expect, from the code you wrote, a string, since you parseInt - and where does the leading magic 6 come from?
– Jaromanda X
12 mins ago



Please include your full code. Very similar questions have been asked before on this site.
– Tim Biegeleisen
11 mins ago

Possible duplicate of How do I retrieve all matches for a regular expression in JavaScript?
– Tim Biegeleisen
10 mins ago

str.match(/d{10}/g).map(n => `6${n}`).join(', ')
– Jaromanda X
10 mins ago

str.match(/d{10}/g).map(n => `6${n}`).join(', ')

Thanks @JaromandaX, your code is working and I appreaciate, But how if first number length is 10 and second number length is 11 as my example below. "60123456780, 601234567890"
– Mohamad Izzuddin
just now

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