What is the best approch to send data to its descendant in REACT

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What is the best approch to send data to its descendant in REACT

FOr example I have one parent component ( i'll call it animal)
and several child components (dog, cat, horse) and child's child components (Collie, English Foxhound, Fox Terrier, German Shepherd Dog). If i wanna send a function from animal to Collie, i have to send this function to Dog component and from Dog to Collie and only after 2 props i will be able to use this function in Collie component. Is there any better approch to send a function from animal directly to Collie ?

2 Answers

Use the Context API.
Read more at the official docs : https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html

Basically, you define a context value and pass it with a Provider, which can be accessed by any node within the child tree.

Do note that the Context API is different for different versions of React and may change in future. You may also use Redux and react-redux for state management which would be internally using the context api.

You can use React Context API which is now official. More information as to how to use this can be found here - https://hackernoon.com/how-to-use-the-new-react-context-api-fce011e7d87

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