using react tooltip with styled components

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using react tooltip with styled components

anyone got any experience using react-tooltip with styled-components?



I tried to wrap my tooltip inside a styled component but they styles weren't fully showing

I wanted a yellow background but got a yellow background with a massive black border

I also want to place the tooltip directly over the top of where I hover, can anyone show me how to do this if possible?


<ReactTooltip className="extraClass" effect="solid">
{'I shall be the text and this is where I will go'}

how do I add the extraClass if im using styled-comps?

please share your code
– karthik
16 hours ago

@karthik done it
– donut
15 hours ago

1 Answer

As you haven't shared the code,here is the stateless component with react-tooltip


import React from "react";
import ReactTooltip from 'react-tooltip'
import {Link} from "react-router-dom"

const UserActionLink = ({to,tooltip,alignRight,btnClassname,iconClassname,name,toolTipName}) =>{

const buttonClassname = btnClassname ? " btn mx-2 " + btnClassname : " btn mx-2 "
const iconsClassname = iconClassname ? " fa " + iconClassname : " fa "
const align = alignRight ? " float-right " : " float-left "

return (
<Link className={[buttonClassname , align ].join(' ')} data-tip={toolTipName} to={to}>
<i className={iconsClassname} aria-hidden="true"></i> {name}
<ReactTooltip />
export default UserActionLink

Here is the working code:

<div className="customTooltip">
<ReactTooltip effect="solid">
{'I shall be the text and this is where I will go'}
margin-top:0 !important;
.customTooltip .__react_component_tooltip.type-dark{
background-color: #e6bd32;
.customTooltip {
border-top-color: #d2ac2d;
border-top-style: solid;
border-top-width: 6px;

where have you styled the tooltip here?
– donut
16 hours ago

share your code
– karthik
16 hours ago

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